Professional Negligence
When a client engages a professional to carry out specific tasks for them that they do not have the expertise to carry out themselves, the professional is expected to uphold a high standard and duty of care to the client.
In cases where a professional’s work or advice is not up to the standard expected or has acted in a negligent manner and the client ultimately suffers a loss as a result, the client may be entitled to make a claim against the professional.
Generally, to prove professional negligence it must be shown that the standard of work the client received was not acceptable. In addition the client suffered a loss due to the professional acting on their behalf.
The statute of limitations is the legal time limit that a person has to bring a claim forward. In the case of professional negligence, the legal time limit is usually 6 years. However, this may vary depending on the complaint that a client has against a professional.
At Boland and Company, a member of our dedicated team would be happy to meet with you to discuss the matter fully.